Application for Services/Funding from SMA Support

Name & Address of Adult Applicant:

Phone # of Applicant:

E-mail Address of Applicant:

If different, name of SMA Individual:

Age and Estimated Type of SMA Individual:

What is your specific request of SMA Support:

Why is this request important to quality of life, and/or what additional comments would you like to make:

For direct equipment purchases, SMA Support will need a quote directly from the provider of the equipment which includes their name, address, phone, and specific information on the equipment as well as its quoted price.  Please attach with application.

For direct services purchases, SMA Support will need a quote directly from the provider of the services which includes their name, address, phone, and specific information on the services to be provided as well as their quoted price.  Please attach with application.

I have read and understand the RULES/POLICIES prior to sending this application:
Signature of Applicant

Please submit this application via email, fax, or mail to Laura Stants at:

SMA Support, Inc.
P.O. Box 6301
Kokomo, IN 46904

Fax# 801-460-2813